Rate of pay can be described
in two categories depending on type of employer.
1. Hospitals
Rate of Pay:
Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) is the nursing body
who represents Nursing workers when negotiating rates
of pay and nursing employees benefits with different
hospitals and nurses employers. It's members are elected
by nurses.
ANF has agreements with all public and private hospitals
which set the rates of pay and other nurses benefits
including annual leave, sick pay, maternal leave, and
superannuation (an employer's contribution towards the
employee's retirement fund account).
Public hospitals annual
pay for a registered nurse based on level 1RNs (Public
Hospitals Nurses Award) between 36,666$-47,132$
Private hospitals rates
of pay based on level 1 RNs (Private Hospitals Nurses
Award) range between 34,000$-46,000$ per year.
The following penalties apply
on top of the basic rate of pay.
Shift Loading:
For AM shift, no loading on basic rate of pay per
For PM shift, 12.5 % loading on basic rate per hour.
For Night shift, 20% loading on basic rate per hour.
Weekends loading:
Saturday: 50% loading on basic rate per hour + shift
loading. For example, rate of pay per hour for a night
shift on Saturday = basic rate + 50% of basic rate
+ 20% of basic rate.
Sunday: 75% loading on basic rate of pay per hour.
No other shift loadings.

2. Nursing Agencies Rate of Pay:
Nursing Agencies are another
possible employer for nurses, these agencies work as
a third party between the nurse and the hospital. The
nurse is employed by an agency who arranges and secures
work for the nurse in a public or a private hospital.
Agencies rate of pay can go higher
than hospital's pay up to 80%. But there are no other
benefits like annual leave, sick leave or maternal leave.
The agency employs the nurse on a casual basis, that
is the nurse will be appointed to work certain amount
of hours in a hospital subject to availability of work
and hospital's need for agency staff. The agency doesn't
guarantee work for a nurse, it is only subject to availability
and hospital's demand, but in fact, agency work is available
most of the time due to shortage of staff and that is
why agency work has become a popular choice for local
Nursing Agency rate of pay varies
depending on which agency you join. Generally, the rates
are in the following ranges (based on level 1.5 RN):
Am shift:
26-32$ per hour for general nurses.
33-38$ per hour for specialist nurses.
Normally, RNs work 6-8 hours for AM shift.
PM shift:
28-34$ per hour for general nurses.
35-42 $ per hour for specialist nurses.
Normally, RNs work 6-8 hours for PM shift.
Night shift:
32-38$ per hour for general nurses
39-45$ per hour for specialist nurses
Normally, RNs work 10 hours for Night shift.
Saturday shift:
44-51$ per hour for general nurses
52-58$ per hour for specialist nurses
Sunday shift:
51-55$ per hour for general nurses
60$-65$ per hour for specialist nurses.
Number of hours normally worked on weekends depends
on the shift worked as mentioned above.
Agencies rates of pay are fixed, no other shift loadings
The criteria for Registered Nurses
to be paid specialist rates by an agency depend on the
agency's policy. Generally, RNs are required to have
at least one-year experience in the specialty area to
qualify for specialist rate.