Delivery of Australian Nursing Courses In India
Trip to Hyderabad, India
The University of Ballarat is at the forefront
of providing nursing education to the international
and the local students in Australia. The University
is offering these courses in Hong Kong in an offshore
delivery mode. This experiment has been very successful
and therefore the University decided to replicate
this success elsewhere as well. India is an emerging
market with a population of over a billion people
and therefore potentially an excellent place for
Australian nursing programs. Sapanta Consultants
introduced the University to an established local
partner, Kamineni Health Service and Institute
of Medical Sciences.
After initial contacts,
the School of Nursing, University of Ballarat,
sent an exploratory delegation to Hyderabad, India.
The trip was organized by Sapanta Consultant and
the delegation comprised of Associate Professor
Hannelore Best, Head, School of Nursing and Ms.
Diane Thompson, Director, International Programs,
School of Nursing. Dr Abdul Noor, Managing Director
Sapanta Consultants personally traveled to Hyderabad
to look after the guests and facilitate the process
with the help of our local agents in Hyderabad.
Here are a few glimpses
of the reception in Hyderabad.

Currently, Sapanta Consultants
is mediating between University
of Ballarat and Kamineni Health Service and Institute
of Medical Sciences to start an Offshore Bachelor
of Nursing (Post Registration) in Hyderabad, India.
The MOU has already been signed and rest of the
details are being worked out nowdays.
Consultants visit Queensland.
A delegation of Sapanta Consultants recently visited
state of Queensland. The objective was to explore
the possibilities of future cooperation and joint
ventures with , hospitals, academic Insttsand
nursing agencies operating in Queensland.
The tour proved to be exceptionally succesful.
One of the
higlights of the tour was the visit of University
of Central Queensland. The university offers a
Competence Assessment Service (CAS) for nurses.
CAS could also prove a useful alternative pathway
for overseas nurse to get them registered and
subsequently work in Australia.
The delegation met CAS Program Manager, Jenny
Anastasi and her team. The detailed discussions
proved useful and assisted in understanding ways
to benefit Sapanta nurses from the Program.
'Nurses to Australia'
Seminars in India:

IELTS training of nurses in India
(coming soon)